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The fate of the bullets: underground wealth, land conflict

  • The bullets we know of Gutiérrez in Europe denounce his adherence to poverty and the expropriation of his natural resources. For decades, oppression, plagued by kidnappings, torture and murder, will not be eliminated by the construction of the Txina-Pakistan corridor announcing "development" and the expansion of the port of Gwadar. On the contrary, if cracked wealth is not softened, it can increase the cycle of violence.
Txinak Gwadar hirian finantzatzen duen aireportu berriaren eraikuntza. Kokapen estrategikoa duen portu horretan garatuko dituen azpiegituretarik askok ez dute balutxeen oinarrizko beharrekiko lotura zuzenik.
Txinak Gwadar hirian finantzatzen duen aireportu berriaren eraikuntza. Kokapen estrategikoa duen portu horretan garatuko dituen azpiegituretarik askok ez dute balutxeen oinarrizko beharrekiko lotura zuzenik.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In January Iran attacked the territory of Pakistan and Pakistan responded the same. According to the two states, the partner's was "terrorism." He referred to the time chosen by Iran for this, as he simultaneously attacked Kurdistan from Iraq and Syria. Instead, more has been mentioned the history of Balutxistan, which crosses the border between Iran and Pakistan, and the origin of so-called terrorist groups.

In the dialogue "Without empathy you will hardly be able to transmit other people's suffering" offered by Karlos Zurutuza to ARGIA in 2012, he said that we have a great lack of knowledge of the East, and that, especially speaking of Baluchistan, many people believe that this name is correct, because it is such an unknown region.
Divided between the three States

Bam, Sulaiman and Kirthar, the Helmand stream and the Gulf of Oman surround Baluchistan. As the Kurds have the Iranian language (balutxia), and have lived for 1000 years in this area, mainly in the Confederate tribes, although in the 18th century the kingdom of Kalat became the center of territorio.En the 19th century the Persian and British empires conquered and divided the territory, leaving a small northern strip in the hands of the Afghan empire.

In the twentieth century, the former kingdom of Kalat guaranteed Pakistan ' s independence, with the intention of achieving self-determination for the strongholds, but Islamabad always denied them that right.

Decolonization did not improve the situation: today it is the most underdeveloped region in both Iran and Pakistan.

Decolonization did not improve the situation: today it is the most underdeveloped region in both Iran and Pakistan, although the subsoil is very rich. Or precisely because of that: for many strongholds, Islamabad and Tehran voluntarily keep them in poverty and ignorance, so that both states can exploit their resources unhindered. The armed fighting of bullets began first against Pakistan. Tensions increased in the 1960s, after the Islamabad reduced the autonomy of the regions and the Baluche armed groups demanded some of the benefits of Pakistan’s largest gas mass in the city of Sui. With the help of Iran, the harsh repression weakened the guerrillas for almost 30 years until it rose again in 2005.

That year, Captain Suin kidnapped, tortured and raped feminist Doctor and militant Shazia Khalid. The authorities kept the lawsuit secret and Khalid passed the following months under threat. As a result, the Bugti tribe raised riots by cutting gas supplies in Pakistan for several weeks and President Musharraf responded with attacks by F-16 aircraft, dispersion bombs, pure matches and other chemical weapons. In this repression, the Pakistani security services kidnapped, tortured and killed thousands of people. According to Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, over 7,000 have disappeared.

In the region dependent on Iran, too, the situation is harsh: the bullets are discriminated against as minority and Sunni. According to Amnesty International, in 2021, at least 19% of the executions in Iran were bullets, representing only 2% of the Iranian population. Because of the shortage, many young people are being smuggled, particularly by passing petrol from Iran to Pakistan. When they are arrested they are charged with drug trafficking, leading to the death penalty in Iran.

In September 2022, a 15-year-old girl was raped by a police officer in the city of Chabahar. Six days later, the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini, a young woman of Kurdish origin in Tehran, sparked insurrections throughout Iran under the motto Life, Freedom. There were particularly massive demonstrations in Kurdistan and Balutxistan, covered by strong repression. On 29 September, in the city of Zaheda, 82 people were shot dead by police. Repression has continued since: According to activist human law Farzin Cadkhodaei, kidnappings and collective arrests have become commonplace, and torture is often used to force false statements of death penalty crimes.

Poor people on earth, rich underground: What future?

Besides Sui gas, there are many mineral resources in Balutxistan. These resources can go even faster underground, as one of the six corridors of China's "Belt and Road" initiative crosses Balutxistan. It reaches the Gwadar, a port with a strategic position from the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea. The overall impact of this initiative has been compared to the post-World War Marshall Plan. Conversely, Pello Zubiria Earthquakes have once again collided with Kaxmir's India and Pakistan China and EE.UU. in the report he explained that the exit of the corridor from Xinjiang helps to understand the oppression of the Beijing government over the region’s torrents.

As far as the situation of the least is concerned, the cooperation of Beijing and Islamabad does not, therefore, predict the bastions

As for the situation of the underprivileged, the cooperation of Beijing and Islamabad does not predict the bullets. According to Asad Iqbal Butt, Vice-Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights in Karachin, the bullets have no hope of benefiting from this project. All the workers have come from China or from Pendue, the richest province of Pakistan, under army supervision: they do not give work to the bullets because they say they are not qualified enough, but many Islamabad do not trust them. From this perspective it is no wonder that the BLA (the Balutxistan Liberation Army, the main armed group) is increasingly considering China’s interests as a destination. However, China continues to invest in the gold and copper mine of Sainda and especially in the infrastructure surrounding the port of Gwadar: extension of the highway, infrastructure to import electricity from Iran, a thermal power plant, a LNG terminal, an airport, a water desalination facility, high-end homes, five-star hotels, an exhibitor, the Pakistani Company Hospital Finau-China. All this is far from the needs of the bullets that survive in poverty.

On January 30, as I write this paragraph, the LDF commits an attack on the military buildings and the Mach city jail. If prosperity is not better distributed, peace will hardly be achieved in Balutxistan ...

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