HOME Gorka
Only in dreams, 2024
In 2005 and 2007, artist Banksy entered Egypt through a network of clandestine tunnels. He made his famous graffiti on the Gaza Wall to denounce apartheid and colonization.
Instead of songs that talk about his dream, Gorka Urbizu has claimed doubt on his first solo album, offering “a nice corner that protects us from the outside”. As the Pott band did in the 1980s, seeking a grammar of freedom that makes it possible by the rupture of the amphora.
Those who were losers, Sarrionandia himself counts on Are We Moros so far? : “There were no readers either and, with absolute disinterest, we wrote for ghosts.” They helped create a grammar without abuse, without market. They created a Basque literature.
Where is it done? And where. These are the questions I've been most interested in lately about art. I don’t care so much if it’s recorded in analogue on the eight tracks, as if Pedro The Lion remembers It’s hard to find a friend or the sound of Kiwanuka.
The artist is not obliged to give an answer. And less one and one. But I'm convinced that time needs more than just a beautiful news record. Beyond the loose questions, we have something to say and listen to. I'm looking forward.
Banksy tells how an old man came to tell him that his painting embellished the wall. He considered it a compliment until the man replied: "We don't want it to be nice. We hate this wall. Go home."
Fortunately, we still do not have to send someone home. Even less Urbizu, able to reinvent himself for decades, and put thousands of fans to dance on a Monday (well, it is a way to say dance...). Just a reflection that has produced me that beauty and calm after listening to the disc on the loop.
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