Date of marmota
Diana Franco Eguren 2024ko urtarrilaren 24a

The use of artificial intelligence seems to be becoming the necessary fertilizer for the competitiveness of organizations. It seems that the cost in working hours of the use of research time, comparison, generation and with it the acquisition of knowledge through the process of experience, which is the main raw material of human economies, is very high and should be reviewed. Why spend hours designing a spreadsheet for a project if a generative artificial intelligence can answer in seconds? What to do a photo for an item? Why waste the time to obtain a grant in the elaboration of a project?... Isn't it enough to have ideas? How can research and development be halved?

In both my environment and in the different sectors, there are many organisations that take on these technologies, hoping that they will achieve rapid results and opportunities for cost reduction.

If we all get stuck within this system, if we all ask the same questions to solve the same problems, if we do not practice any other way of not learning from the experience of reality but asking artificial intelligence, will these artificial intelligences not be able to create less and less new things? Won't we be creating a buffet? Are we not going to focus our society? Impoverished? Are we going to create projects that are repeated like Marmota Day?

But perhaps this technology is being undervalued, perhaps the way to introduce new ideas into artificial intelligences is a good question, perhaps the questions become part of the databases at some point, thereby becoming intelligences of greater diversity and complexity. Another thing is whether working within such systems can make more sense of our existence.