Hysterical materialism
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea 2024ko urtarrilaren 24a

He doesn't win, he's crazy, what he's saying is not possible. Anyone sees that a state is not prepared to govern. He's a theorist, he's not aware of reality. The steps taken by feminism are irreversible, citizenship will not accept to question certain rights. Those on the left and those who believe in democracy vote for Massa, like it or not, not to win Milei. The right did not trust him either.

He won. Because the right, whether they trusted or not, gave him the votes he needed, because they gave him the infrastructure necessary to be unable to rule a state.

Even when it comes to power, it doesn't. Impossible. What happens to the left, what they carry in the program is impossible to apply in its entirety, there is counter-control, there are very well established powers. And what. Won't he hurt him? And what. Of course it will. It will dissolve the state, leave it alone for violence. Argentina itself is torn apart, sold by parts as traitors sell. Of course they're going to take away women's rights. A feminist announces that she is going to escape Argentina, that she cannot withstand harassment. We've seen from the loudspeakers threats messages in public places.

Grabois asked for his vote if it wasn't for love, for fear. He won Milei. He won the shock. Laughter freezes easily if it's more silly than crazy.