Pradales knocks
Ahoztar Zelaieta @Ahoztar1972 2024ko urtarrilaren 10a

The “unknown” substitute for lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu, Imanol Pradales, “surprisingly chosen”, “70. is a partisan “generation after generation.” They belong to this group Unai Rementeria, Gorka Uraran, Eneko Goia and Ana Otaduy. In recent years, this “Deputy of Works” of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia has been in charge of carrying out pharaonic projects such as the covering of the Supersur, the Guggenheim Urdaibai or the Advanced.

Former student of Urkullu at Ikastola Asti Leku, professor at the University of Deusto, applied for leave in 2007 and became director of the non-profit association Bizkaia Xede. The first mark in his profile as manager, as the Basque Court of Public Accounts rejected the modus operandi of the association and the client of the Diputación. This association, driven by the money of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, at the same time allocated subsidies to the pockets of some companies. Among the beneficiaries are the University of Deusto, the armaments Iberdrola, Sener and ITP, or Deloitte and Idom, members of the advisory cartel.

Being elected deputy by Pradales, he owned the shares of BBVA, Banco Santander and Mapfre, and later acquired the shares of Sacyr.

José Luis Bilbao came to the Diputación de Pradales with the help of the MEP general who swore not to write anything about tax havens. Bilbao is the “older brother” of the generation Joven Burukides Bizkainos, led by Urkullu, with the help of Andoni Ortuzar, who left Xabier Arzalluz and later zokoró Juan José Ibarretxe.

In 2011, Pradales became a member of Economic Promotion. Pradales appoints Gabino Martínez de Arenaza, Director of Foreign Promotion, former mayor of the PNV of Alonsotegi charged with corruption. Being elected Deputy by Pradales, he owned the shares of BBVA, Banco Santander and Mapfre, and later acquired the shares of Sacyr. Seven years earlier, the builder donated 13,000 euros to boyfriend Alfredo De Miguel, convicted of corruption.

Sacyr worked for 25 years on a building cartel. Between 2007 and 2012, Sacyr was the only company in the cartel that worked with the Provincial Council of Bizkaia for a total of EUR 184 million. At that time, Sacyr Nervión, an alliance between Sacyr and Nervión Industries, was part of another cartel serving energy and petrochemical companies. José Alberto Pradera, former MEP linked to the question of tax havens, when he was an advisor to Nervión Industries, Pradales bought Sacyr’s shares and, as a result of the alliance of these companies, the Sacyr Nervión group joined Repsol for the company of former PNV president Josu Jon Imaz.