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Fruit poems

Double durability Oihane
Zuberoa Garmendia
Ballena Blanca, 2023


It is called healing the set of processes that are produced until the fruits mature or mature, that is, those that come from the flowers are ready for consumption. Also called aging is the composition of a work, such as sketching, doing, undo and combing, a set of steps from the writer's mind to the creation of a texto.Oihane Zuberoa Garmendia (Erronkari, 1993) presents its poems and fruits in the recent Bi iraundu collection (Balea Zuria, 2023).

Poems are classified into four sections, each of which bears the Latin scientific name of a fruit tree or bush: Cydonia oblonga, Punica granatum, Prunus avium and Rubus idaeus. In other words, memshine, minicrine, mound and raspberry are the plants that, besides classifying the poems, point out the passage of time through seasonal references. Because, although each section talks about concrete issues, the collection focuses on time and change: “in round wool jersey / kept for home / washing cleaning / oil remains that do not disappear from the pan: / there are 11 ways to measure time.”

It should be formally noted that the last paragraph is the one that most differs from the others. As a boneless snack, Roncalés has drawn up a list of short words and meanings that include, in addition to the closing of the book, some of the previous poems.

Zuberoa maintains on its pages the death, desire, loss of language and others, in the tension between memory and forgetfulness, or between Mnemosine and Leteo. However, the poem does not have the slip or anxiety that memory can bring: the poetic voice is favorable to balance, to the intermittent pruning of the tree of the past. For this, the roncalés has made beautiful images that put all the senses in motion: wavy hands, wicker basket, pieces in syrup and streets soaked with chestnut odor. In addition to these memories, the book highlights the influence of cultural heritage: in general, references to classical culture are abundant and the skin itself can also give what to think about the proposed banquet.

It must therefore be proved that it is a Macedonia of words that serves the palate and the eye of the reader.

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