Hysterical materialism
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea 2024ko urtarrilaren 11

The day again we all seem to be obligatory, many good desires come to Telegram and Whatsapp, and so many others, or more, we send them. One more year, many works of the house have been sent, even in the form of poem. Despite feminism, rebellion, Euskera, love, freedom, rebellion... Have I said freedom? (Although some know the word). We must renew every year the war we want to end, from Ukraine to Palestine, without resorting to the generic "all wars". And with age, health also starts to take its place. I'm joking in tone, doing the skeptical, but you actually have to believe in something, not so much to start the year, but to start the days.

Wishes should last only one year. It can't be that hard to find motivation. And in fact, little by little, they have a sufficient duration of a day. Lately I've been around three or four times Italo Calvino, and his book of impossible cities. Marco Polo is describing a stone to stone bridge and being asked “which stone holds the bridge?” Marco replied that the bridge was not supported by this stone or by the other, but by the arches that form it. “Why then does he talk about stones? All I care about is the bow.” And here comes the answer that suits me: “Without stones there are no arches.” And it's not enough to get to work. Or yes, which bridge you want to build a joint, a fort, a joyful, a pendant...

However, I think that the goal of a miss is to say as little as possible when it comes to the cursed question, as little as possible. And they actually manage to say nothing: that's what great words are for. I didn't say anything either, almost as little as I said, "I love you." What is believing? Nor do I know if this is anything. I want to believe you this year.