Mourning and a quality public health system
Eva Perez-Pons Andrade @Eva__96 2024ko urtarrilaren 10a

A few months ago, the sister had to interrupt her five-month pregnancy because of a mental deformation she was carrying with her. The decision was made between tears and five days after the news the child (Xoán) was in labor at the Cruces Hospital (they abort with the delivery of children of those levels of development).

During all these hours of the abortion, we had excellent treatment from the midwife and gynecologist. The same is true of the Cruces Service, which instead of taking him directly to the section of novice mothers, put his sister in a fourth floor bed room and at the hours, once the epidural was requested, they went down; being the celiac sister could not donate food from the hospital, all except a yogurt, which had gluten, and until recently we have been struggling to find the body of Xoán. At first, they told her sister that she was considered and dismissed as an organ, although since 2016 parents have the right, regardless of the degree of development of the fetus, to take body and say goodbye. He was recently informed of the appearance of the body.

Grief is a right whose guarantee is subject to a quality public health system.