A greeting forever?
Jon Alonso 2024ko urtarrilaren 10

We do not forget the experience of 28 December in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Pamplona.

As often happens when events of great meaning and emotion occur, being a subject – the change of mayor of Pamplona, a motion censorship – the sub-themes are many. It goes without saying that the former mayor, with his statements, has thrown more petrol into the fire of the announcers. I am convinced that what has been said on behalf of the staircase cleaners has not only been denounced, but has formed the most perfect poet of the dominant ideology on the right of Navarre. For example, Mario Camus needed a full movie, a memorable movie, The Innocent Saints, to portray, as well as he did, the essence of the classism that Ibarrola has shown in one sentence. Ibarrola would do very well in Camus's film, of course, and something has to do with the replacement of the former mayor's poetic justice, the day he named Camus's movie, Innocent Day. The only one, we had to wait 39 years. Because the problem with these people is that the 39 years of an approximate formal democracy -- not a century, not five centuries -- do not serve to change their true nature.

Now it is not difficult to imagine the paintings they want to live from politics at the door of the PP, without trusting what a party that only has the mayor of Tudela can offer.

But, as the length of the article allows so much, we are going to address another sub-topic of the issue: more and more voices say that we could be on the threshold of the disappearance of the UPN, or at the beginning of the disappearance. Not so long ago, an analyst who knows much more about politics than I said that those who really promise that it was the reason for competition between the right-wing regionalist (UPN, CDN) or the right-wing centralist (AF, UCD, AP, PP…) have historically disagreed on the most appropriate formula or brand to dominate Navarra. After 40 years of using a regionalist brand, the balance has shifted towards the statalist brand. Sayas and Adanero were therefore pioneers, and now it is not difficult to imagine the paintings they want to live from politics at the door of the PP, without trusting what a party that only has the mayor of Tudela can offer. UPN currently has no valid leader or program. Only angry and insulting. Will they solve it by April? And, if not, what are UPN voters going to do next time they have their mother cleaning stairs, or feel lonely Navarros, or do they believe that the street is the axis of provincial institutionalization, or do they not want to be slaves of Madrid and Bilbao, or…? This is one of the keys to this story.

The Asynchronists have to reflect on the long wait.