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“I needed to breathe and release songs”

  • Marina Landa has published with the group Aria his album Urdin (Donostia, 1993). Aria was born after a doctoral thesis on pop music in Euskal Herria and a transformation of the creative process, with a possibility of performing abandoned music.

21 December 2023
Argazkia: Ana Banegas.
Argazkia: Ana Banegas.
Musika bidelagun

"Beti maitatu izan dut musika. Inguruan ez dut sortzailerik, baina abeslaria izan nahi nuela esaten nuen txikitan. Idaztea ere betidanik izan dut gustuko. Hasieran, ipuinak idazten nituen, ondoren olerkiak, iritzi artikuluak… eta 13 urterekin nire lehen kanta idatzi nuen, ingelesez. Bi urte geroago instrumentu bat behar nuela jabetu nintzen eta gurasoei gitarra oparitzeko eskatu nien. Geroztik gora-beherak izan ditut, baina, musikak beti lagundu izan nau bizitzan: hizkuntzak ikasten lagundu dit eta nire aldartea erregulatzeko balio izan dit".

Writing and playing in public is like getting naked. Do you create songs of personal experience?
Almost all, yes. Some more explicitly and others implicitly, through metaphors or word games -- but most of them are based on my experiences. When they're not things that happen to me, I participate in my ideology or my thinking.

Where do you think you find the inspiration?I can find it
anywhere and anytime. The last song I've written, I was having a shower and I had to go running and hurried to record on my phone. Also in the evening I had to wake up several times to record or write some stanza.

Her name is Aria, meaning air in Italian. He says I needed it…
I needed space, I was inspired, I took the pressure and the nervousness that I put on. I needed air. And at the same time, I felt the need to release songs. After so many years of composing, people always asked me where I could find my songs and I didn't know what to answer. Now they are on all platforms, at last!

"Four songs of the album were born in Palermo, two others in Euskal Herria and one in flight over the Mediterranean Sea"

What kind of welcome have you had so far?It
has been welcomed, we were at the Durango Fair and it was a nice experience. People have told us that they really liked songs and that makes us a lot of illusion, how not! In addition, I particularly like that the favorite song of each listener is different, because the songs are different and I think we have been able to put on the table the particularities of each one.

Although the group is Donostiarra, the Italian has an important mark on his words. Why? For
me, music has been an instrument for learning languages, so it happened to me with English, French, Catalan and in recent years with Italian. I had to spend a few months in Sicily for the international stay of the doctoral thesis. The fact is that the researcher who had to attend me died a few weeks before I arrived... and when I got there I had two options: sad living or turning to solitude. I picked the second road and started studying Italian, like crazy. Besides listening to music, I started writing and it helped me a lot.

They recorded the album in Sicily. How was the process?
In solitude, fortunately, I made several people in Palermo. Among them is the composer and producer Domenico Gargano. He offered me the possibility of recording some songs, and I decided I had to start. At first the idea was for the album to come out as a soloist and the songs written in Palermo had to complete it, but since I started playing with Iñaki Ortego, we decided to form the group. I'm sure it's not a natural process of a record or a group, but that's how it happened: I go back to Palermo whenever I can and we record songs on those trips.

In total, the collection consists of seven songs. These include internal conflicts, love stories and the philosophy of life. How has the process of creating songs been?
I usually get lyrics and melody at once, naturally. Four songs of the album were born in Palermo, two in Euskal Herria and one in flight over the Mediterranean Sea. He flipped the person in the next seat because in the middle of the flight, I was singing underneath, writing and recording on my phone. The lyrics matter a lot, and every song I give her space, I ask her what she tells me. Sometimes, from the beginning I know what the song is talking about, other times I need some stanzas so I consciously decide what I want to tell in it. They are songs created both in the good times and in the darkest.

They published the song Anime perdu as a preview. It talks about the Mediterranean.
I wrote it when I lived in Palermo. Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, centrally located, to which many immigrants and refugees arrive. One day, while studying Italian, when I tried to play with the words amare (love) and a mare (at sea), I read that Father Mari was there doing many missions. I felt it was clear that the song had to deal with this issue and made its own way. That's why the song is told from the point of view of a person who denies aid to refugees, and I think even more raw.

For those who haven’t heard yet, what would you highlight from the Urdin album?
Seven delicious songs. Some reflect situations or feelings that we all experience. Others are more mysterious and do not clearly state what it is about to awaken the imagination of the listener. Anime peran talks about the refugee crisis and, finally, this Waltz is the search for a healthy love for you, based on a love relationship. We chose the songs very lightly and are happy with the result.

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