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Annual physical gift

Listen to the collection 2023


Interestingly, Entzun magazine. Created in the 1990s, it is the pioneering musical magazine in Euskera and the only, except the fanzine Izu Giroa hardcore-punk. Although he was about to disappear, he is still alive, although in recent decades he only sees the light once a year as an annuary and physically: in the book. Even if this is so, it is not an annuary, as it does not intend to add up all the proceeds of the year. Thus, always through reports, interviews, photographs and comments from dozens of authors, it provides an interesting and juicy sample of what the year has given in the Basque Country. And it almost always collects a collection of songs.

In the 2023 edition it has also been and is more physical: they have published their collection for the first time in vinyl, and have gathered in physical support eleven songs unpublished or not published so far.

The album is broadcast by Munlet, precursor of the synth-electro-punk of Euskal Herria, in tribute to Devo. Otoi continues to work a post and pop-rock full of intrigue and feelings. Mice offers us a special exercise, a savage pearl with energy and cadence from young Patti Smith, recorded in Zaballa prison. Arima Soul, with the help of DJ Farrapo, has become even more playable with soul, Latin melody, electroswing and electronics. Girl Coyote and Girl Tornado give us a heavy, clean and shiny piece improvised in a study from Chile.

Area B, meanwhile, has been expanded by the Mondragonese group Romintxelak, which explores the beginnings of swing and gipsy music. Device has finally released the version of the Sleaford Mods Besukatzen group, which makes us enjoy live. The great Petti has removed the dust from the first tomato hit Egun bat gehiago hit! No expiry date, collected at Bera Customs, and it's made it brilliant. The Iraqi multi-instrumentalist Bobbi Relac has immersed us in different environments and travels (exotic, psychodelia…). Uger has recorded a positive song linking psychedelic drops. And finally, the duo Muare has united tenderness and experimentation in the crib.

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