Roasted turtle to eat
Nagore Irazustabarrena Uranga @irazustabarrena 2023ko abenduaren 13a
Argazkia: Senckenbergeko Giza Eboluzioaren gunea.

In the cave of Ghar-e Boof, south of the Zagros range in Iran, there have been no bones of hominids, but there have been animals eaten by them some 80,000 years ago, namely 941.

The study of these bones allowed us to know the diet of the time. The Scientific Report magazine has announced that the animals that consumed most were nicknamed mammals (sheep, goats, gazelles...), followed by turtles, which seems surprising, secondly.

In addition, they consumed bears, horses, fish, a leopard and large birds, so their diet was more varied than expected.