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Iker Barandiaran @IkerBarandiara 2023ko abenduaren 06a

Pigs Kompases
Artza Records / Co-operation Records


What a name for a group and what a ingenuity! Who knows where they would get their name from! In fact, a week ago I did it with two of the members of the group, except at the anniversary festival of the Andoain Gaztetxe, where I also forgot to ask.
Because there I found Nabarro and Kabra, in the same corner as always, and surely Txabes, Miguel and the others would not go far from there. All of them have been clearly part of the landscape and activities of the Andoain Gaztetxe; in the first, being young, seeing and learning; and in the second, creating and eliminating from the learned (ji).

Kompases Pigs is an Andoain group of the 1990s, 30%, which was part of the second generation of hardcore groups from Andoain with Gaizkiñe, Karkaxa and so on. It was characterized by two strong, street, convincing and raw voices and a broad reading of the hardcore. They only published a model with Jomes, with whom, if not?, recorded in 1994. And once again, the brothers Artza, the Peña and others who want to stay in the shade, have recovered, ordered and brought in vinyl and elegant work of archaeology and dissemination.

Photo: A.O. Areta Goñi (JUXE)

Batxurizopa Eresia deploys its work with round words that combine hardcore-punk fast and half-tempo, without excess or filter. Dreams are faster and evoke RKL and Iturralde's Kontxixi. Trembling is dressed in darker barrels and with sometimes raped voices. Shadow and light and sumas and bouquets have their feet on the metallized hardcore. The night the cadence of Life…but how to live? and the punk of burners impregnated with the rhythm changes of RKL. Black eyes guitar and fast; and Americius hardcore-punk apocalypse infrequent.

Beyond the original model, songs like Komunik kontrola, hardcore-punka hit sung in Basque at that time, Darkest Times of Corruption, Hatred, Twinning with Anesthesia, or the heavy Cornered, among others have also been recovered.