The problem is the Education Act, not Amendment 5
Mikel Basabe Kortabarria 2023ko azaroaren 28a

I thought I would write this article about the amnesty obtained by the Catalans, because that achievement has shown that everything can be negotiated and, above all, that nationalists have passed the historic moment of achieving anything but amnesty. Some negotiating the usual; others, when the PSOE was against the strings, with power in return. Consequently, the Basque will not be official throughout Navarre, the TreviƱeses will not vote, the sports selections will not be official, etc.

But the approval of the Education Act comes immediately, apparently without the support of EH Bildu. Amendment No 5 of the PNV-PSE appears to have upset the Basque left. Surprising, because this amendment has not made the law more harmful to the Basque people.

The current regulations (Decree 138/83) may include more Basque in model A: "In higher Primary Education courses they will also be able to work in Basque on certain subjects, provided that the students are sufficiently trained in their Basque level". In secondary: "With the groups of students who have acquired a good level of knowledge of Euskera, some subjects will also be able to work in Euskera".

Model B also includes more Basque: "Spanish will be used, in principle, for subjects such as lectowriting and mathematics. The Basque country to work on topics from other areas".

Concerning the treatment of languages, the Education Act, presented by the government and sponsored by EH Bildu, only undermines model D, but not Amendment 5.

But the decree does not allow Spanish to be included in model D: "All subjects except Spanish will basically work in Basque."

As regards the treatment of languages, therefore, the Education Act, presented by the government and sponsored by EH Bildu, only undermines model D, but not amendment 5: "The two official languages and at least one foreign language shall be considered as learning languages." That is, model D will include Spanish (and English, therefore, towards model B).

The final diagnostic evaluation performed in all centers is 2019. It says: "In ESO, the goal of bilingualism has not been achieved in 96.3% of the public A, 83% of the public B, 82.6% of the concerted A, and 64.3% of the concerted B. However, model D does not guarantee this objective of bilingualism, which has not been achieved in 49.1% of the public D and in 57.8% of the concerted D".

Aware of these data, EH Bildu promoted teaching with less Euskera to the detriment of model D that offers the best results. It looks like it goes back and doesn't support the law. Well, but too late: The PNV and the PSE will adopt the law without it shortly.