The first Basque congress on care was held in Donostia on 16 and 17 November. In it, lehendakari and other authorities have claimed the Community surveillance system and the social pact for their care. In recent weeks, the publicity of the Basque Government praises the public services that we have through self-government in the CAV and the value of resident work. Announcements of the 40th anniversary of Osakidetza repeat that we have the best health system and another institutional campaign puts the surveillance network in value.
Apparently, the main Basque institutions are assimilating the discourse of the Feminist Movement of the Basque Country. But I suspect there is little further. Although I know that concepts such as community public custody have no copyright and are not owned by a collective, I have to acknowledge that I am afraid that behind that acquisition of words there is no attempt to take away meaning, even more so on the threshold of the General Feminist Strike. That is why it is more important than ever to go out into the street on 30 November, as our speech, so that care and services do not become their property (and the business of few), but their common heritage.