Israelis critical of the massacre
  • Israel and the Jews, often the hegemonic media have been represented as if everyone had a unique thought, as if they joined the decisions of the Israeli Government and the genocide being carried out by the armed forces. But between the Israelis and the Jews themselves we are seeing critical voices and protests around the world.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko azaroaren 21
Hamasek bahituriko 85 urteko Yocheved Lifschitz.

The Israeli authorities, however, respond strongly to anything that denounces government policy or even dares to criticise, questions the hegemonic story. Proof of this is the kidnapping of Yocheved Lifschitz, 85, of Sixteen. She was kidnapped and released for "humanitarian reasons." Lifschitz said that the kidnappers treated him well and that did not please the Israeli authorities. They denounced the propaganda of Hamas and considered it a mistake to put this woman in the media. The main Israeli media also criticised the press conference on the kidnapping.

In his recent editorial, the Israeli media Haaretz, has strongly criticized the power of the extreme right in government, and has stressed that Netanyahu is not a solution, but a problem in making Israel more radical in these years and normalizing ideas and values that disagree in Israeli society.

Along the same lines, former Israeli military members, meeting in the Breaking the Silence association, who reject the occupation of Palestine, have today published a reading in which they condemned Israel’s “terrible and criminal massacre”. “If we continue to attack a people who have done nothing wrong, our only achievement will be that the cycle of violence and bleeding will be definitive.”