Goi-mailako ileapaintzaile zikloa ikasten ari da Antxon Zarautzen. Ile luzea du eta hura laztantzen ari dela erantzun ditu galderak. Ahoan bilorik gabe, aske eta libre. Estereotipo, arau eta inposaketetatik libre bizi den mutil batekin egin dut topo. Antxon ez da lotsatzen gizona dela esaten, zakila duela esaten behin eta berriz, eta hala izan eta sentituz janzten dituela belarritako handiak, makillatzen dituela begiak eta margotzen dituela ezpainak. Ez dakit urrats horiek ematen inoiz sufritu ote duen ala ez, baina pertsona indartsu batekin egin dut topo. Nahiko nuke bera bezain libre eta dotore bizi, inposaketa eta presio sozialetik at.
In Antxo, it is clear that you are a cis man.
Yes, I am a man. I have a penis and I feel like a man. I share the gender that has been applied biologically at birth. It cannot be misunderstood, it is a matter of freedom. It makes me free to be my man. Because I like it. I have repeated this message over and over again in recent months. I have no doubt that I have given a message, I have spoken clearly from the outset, and yet they have said everything in my environment since I was appointed as a cantinera of the company of the San Miguel neighbourhood on 12 May.
A few months have passed, how are you?
I'm fine, very happy. I keep receiving messages, most of them optimistic. I had a great time and I will never forget that day. It was the happiest day of my life. When I was little, I would go out to the balcony and tell my mother that I wanted to be an older singer. I had that illusion since I was a child. At that time, in addition, the locals went to the traditional alarde. Until about 11 years I was unaware of the conflict. At 13, I wanted to leave. My whole group of friends was in favour of equal alarming and I too immediately stood in favour of women’s participation in parties. At home, they protected me. Before I was a songwriter, I was playing the whistle. After the pandemic, in 2022, I turned my ankle and couldn't pull it out. So this was my year.
Did you think a lot about taking the step since October?
No, I was very clear. When I saw the possibility of fulfilling my childhood dream, I didn't hesitate. San Miguel is a newly created company in the egalitarian alarming. Before I named her, I had the opportunity to talk to the local captain. I felt at ease with him, and those at home also protected me. They didn't believe almost, but for leaving him alone or telling me yes. On May 12, the company informed me that I was taking something with my friends with a giant bouquet of flowers. I made a video call to my mother immediately and she asked me if it was a joke. It was a very special moment.
Not only at home, but also in the people and in the press.
Yes, I don't know how many interviews I've given in total. In addition to the local press, the outside has come to me and I have told everyone that yes. For Alarde and for Irún, it seemed appropriate to give it the greatest impact. Plus, it was a way to make it clear that it's me and how I feel, that I'm a cis man.
Some people have not understood… It is
because the one who has not understood does not want. Eleven headlines have emerged saying that I am a man, otherwise I would certainly have asked for amendments. They've said everything in my environment. That I am transsexual, that I am not enough man to dress as a man and parade… What I want. I know it can sometimes be rare for some. I'm used to receiving looks. But this time it's been different. Many have not dared me to approach, but they have looked at me with optimism, with joy and encouragement. And many more, they've come to me and they've congratulated me directly.
Do you realize you've opened the door to several? Either to go out to cantinera or to live freely and freely.
I don't realize it. If so, I am delighted. At home, I've been taught to love myself and to be what I am. So, I've never felt imprisoned or conditioned to dress and make up as we want. Moreover, it may have been a coincidence, but no one has refused to go out to cantinera. It was the first year I presented and I received a lot of help rather than obstacles. There are many of my seniors against egalitarian scares, and I don't understand. I'm embarrassed and sorry. They take a dominant position at home without thinking twice. I can understand that it is difficult for an old man to change his mind, but the case of our elders is unacceptable.
They say it's something only locals can understand.
Maybe I don't know. It's very difficult to face someone who's not here. Being particularly in favour of equal alarming, the conflict is produced by others, not us. They should be ashamed of their attitude, of their image. I'm not ashamed to say that I'm irundar, some can't say the same, the name of the city is getting dirty for two decades.
In 2024, what?
I'm going to shoot out. I want it with the whistle, but this year the locals got out with the shotgun for the first time. They've bought all the equipment, so if you want, I'll go out with them. Friends and family, the goal is to have a good time, and it will also be a way of thanking what you have done this year for me to parade with them.
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