Can't we be attentive?
Iñigo Martinez Peña 2023ko azaroaren 02a

I would like to draw your attention, as a reader, to awaken the desire to test the article. An impossible goal? Currently, the attention of someone through reading is becoming more and more difficult. They say that reading does not correspond to the intensity and speed of the current stimulation, it does not correspond to the tsunami of images, videos, news and announcements, the permanent zapping… Is it? References to the crisis of care are frequent. Some professors who are friends with literature and/or philosophy tell me that reading long texts is increasingly difficult. However, the hyper-modern demand for performance offers no opportunities for this: more and more needs to be done in less time. Multitasking motto. At present there is a particular difficulty in stopping and waiting, with great concern. It is becoming more and more unbearable for us to take the margin for understanding: we need to give an agile and compulsive opinion. But in many aspects of life we only have to wait: to see the sunrise and sunset, for the birth of a child… Just wait.

I would like to draw your attention, as a reader, to awaken the desire to test the article. An impossible goal?

Given the difficulties we have in maintaining attention in today’s society, Biffo Berardi makes an interesting analysis. For him, digital capitalism receives no attention because it is not related to our desire: it has nothing to do with attention, but with permanent stimulation. The supposed attention has become an empty commodity for companies like Google, Facebook or Amazon, and the main goal of digital capitalism is the economy to get our data.

We've become leisure speakers, we're company workers eager to get data. They exploit what they acquired in our spare time, as they did in other times with gold, coal, gas or oil. Data stractivism is crucial for understanding current life. That's what Yves Citton talks about in his book Ecology of Care. In order to also address digital capitalism, should we focus elsewhere? The writer analyzes the social vision of care, and instead of talking about the economy of care, he claims the understanding of care as ecology: not exploiting data, but taking care of each other. Attention is, in short, a way to relate to each other and to the world.