Internal factors
Hiruki Larroxa @Hiruki_Larroxa 2023ko urriaren 25a

Although summer is far away, we are still further behind us. Early summer. How nice are the beginnings, eh? Even more beautiful, not only awakening interest, but also forming part of a space of reflection and articulation. 26 and 27 June, II. Congress of Co-education and Feminist Pedagogy in Igeldo. For two days we got entangled about co-education. It was very productive from the point of view of dynamics. There is nothing to say about the topics: popular co-education, self-care and community care, thickening, co-educational art, masculinity and young men, marginal erotic... Pastora Filigrana, feminist, Roma human rights activist, lawyer and trade unionist in the world of work, spoke of intersectionality. Mireia Delgado, pedagogue feminist, storyteller and teacher, on the contrary, spoke of feminist pedagogy exploiting the Hetero rule with pleasure! at the conference.

This last intervention caught our attention because it paved the way for self-criticism. In recent years we have been concerned by those who have been receiving from the most diverse schools: that the environment has deteriorated among the young, that the discourse of false equality has taken the mouths of the young, the tiredness shown by the young when dealing with the issue of equality, the “gender wars” that arise through the theme… To make an analysis of the situation, in recent months we have gathered different associations and cooperatives working in the sector. And we have realized that, in addition to external factors (victimizing speeches directed at young people in digital social networks, various frameworks of thought that the ultra-right right-handed has established in society...), there are internal factors that have not aggravated situations.

It is not possible to totally separate the mood of educators or young people from the classroom dynamics, it is not possible to detach from the developments of the works those considered of power among all of us

We commented that in formal education, dynamics were being detected in the provision of services that move away from the community and continuous character that education should have, and that the polarizing dynamics made teachers often lack tools to address the issue; we talked about that when we attract young people to the theme of feminism, especially due to lack of time to delve into the complexity of the theme, the slogan has more space than they would like. And also, sometimes the concerns and pains we intervene in occupy a place. As the Filigree says, “everything happens constantly and interrelated”, that is, you cannot separate the mood of educators or young people from the dynamics of class, you cannot liberate yourself from the developments of the works of each of us, or you cannot understand the patriarchy without colonial capitalism, because everything happens at once.

Mireia Delgado, not to overflow us, offered us a number of tools for educators and teachers: Transgresio hooksen Ikasioa (Katakrak, 2023) or Pedagogy of autonomy (Twenty-first Century, 2008) by Paulo Freire, who recommended us, but above all helped us in the observation of our place of educator. In them, always present and always forgotten, how have I come here? Beyond the visibility of the political nature of the work of every educator, he invited us to think dynamics that have served us to develop a critical awareness in our growth process (and, of course, have not helped us). There are many clues that can help in the development of our work.

It is highly advisable to listen to podcasts on the occasion of the conference. Putting the backpacks of each one looking at what they're trained to keep revolutionizing society.