Flank of Adam Estéril
  • The Judeo-Christian tradition states that Eve emerged from the rib of Adam, but this story is the result of a misogynistic idiomatic interpretation made by the Jews after conquering several Sumerian myths.
Nagore Irazustabarrena Uranga @irazustabarrena 2023ko urriaren 27a
'Evaren kreazioa', Adriaen Van Stalbemt (c. 1620). Irudia: Budapesteko arte ederren museoa
'Evaren kreazioa', Adriaen Van Stalbemt (c. 1620). Irudia: Budapesteko arte ederren museoa

Babylon, a. C. 597. Driven by King Nebuchadnezzar II, many high class members of the kingdom of Judea were exiled to Babylon. Eleven years later, a. C. In 586, Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem and then began the second phase of the much more massive deportation with thousands of Jews to Babylon.

The Jews had known Mesopotamia since the time of Arbraham, but in that exile they knew more deeply, among other things, religion at the time of the Sumerians.

In Sumerian mythology there were figures called Me, creations of the gods that ensured the balance of our world. The Me encompassed different arts, professions and capacities, and one of them was You.

As in most languages, Ti is an example of polysemy in the Sumerian language: it means “power to give life” and “flanco”. We don't know the same thing, but at least in cuneiform writing the two were written with the same signs.

As in most languages, Ti is an example of polysemy in the Sumerian language: it means “power to give life” and “flanco”

As has already been said, during the forced stay in Babylon, the Jews had the opportunity to know the Mesopotamian religion and assimilated a number of Sumerian myths and included them in Judaism: Job's book, Pentate's book and Solomon's Song of Songs originate there, and Moses' character looks a lot like Akade's Sargon.

The creation of man was also taken to the Mesopotamians: according to the Sumerians, the god Enki created men and women on equal terms through You. That is, through the “power to give life”.

The Jews, however, returned to You as a “flank”. Several experts question that it was a translation error. Tora is written very rigorously, following specific criteria, and it seems that making such mistakes was rare. In addition, before Tora and after the Bible, women emerged from the rib of man and not the other way around, although the second option, at least biologically, was more logical.

This intentional or involuntary mistranslation caused Eva to emerge from Adam's rib, which has for centuries justified the extreme misogyny of the Judaeo-Christian tradition.