Wholesale opening
Montserrat Auzmendi del Solar 2023ko urriaren 20a
Argazkia: Baluarte
Argazkia: Baluarte

Euskadi Symphony Orchestra
Director: Robert Treviño.
Sociedad Coral de Bilbao
Address: Enrique Azurza.
Soloist: Justina Gringyté (Mezzo).
Programme: 3rd Mahler Symphony.
When: 30 September.
Where: Basque Palace of Bilbao.


To start the new season of the Basque Orchestra’s membership, a colossal work has been selected: The third symphony of Mahler, the longest in his works (1 hour and 40 minutes), accompanied by a colossal orchestration (four flutes, all folded by picolo, four oboe, English choirs, three English clarinetes, bass clarinet, three fagot, a contrafagot, eight trompas, four trumpets, four trombones, the set, the platters, two And there's also a soloist contralto, a female choir and a children's choir. Complete!

In short, it is a giant work in which the author emits his philosophy and his personal aesthetic. It is also a complex work. Mahler spent seven years completing himself with various variants until he came to the version offered by the Basque Orchestra.

The symphony consists of seven movements, each reflecting different environments. Mahler gave each one a title, but in the end he deleted them. For example, the first Kräftig movement. Enschied (“Strong. Brave”), subtitled the arrival of Summer or the awakening of Pan. He later titled What
the Stones tell me, and remembers the military marches that Mahler heard in his childhood and that so much impresionaban.El work develops and ends with the sixth movement of Langsam, Ruhevoll, Empfund (“Slow, quiet, full of feelings”), entitled What love tells me. First, a mystical theme is introduced into the strings that will lead to a luminous ending.

Robert Treviño's vision of Mahler is very good. As he has shown with other symphonies (the Fifth or the Second), its versions are both solid and fast, achieving greatness without falling into the ampolla.Fue
very good impression of the Lithuanian mezzosoprano Justina Gringyté. It has a broad and strong voice in all
the registros.La Coral Society of Bilbao had, undoubtedly, a good performance at all times. So we were able to enjoy the magnificent version of Mahler's great work. Congratulations.