"Refrigerator" of the Roman Legion
  • Archaeologists from the University of Warsaw have discovered the "refrigerator" of Antiquity in a Roman excavation area on the shore of the Danube.
Nagore Irazustabarrena Uranga @irazustabarrena 2023ko urriaren 09a
Hozkailu gisa erabiltzen zen egituraren arrastoak. Argazkia: Krzysztof Narloch

In the Danube Valley (now Hungary) d.C. Novae is a Roman camp built in the 1st century for Legio I Italica, which looked after the border of the Empire.

Archaeologists at the University of Warsaw have discovered a well and a ceramic and lead pipe, similar to those used throughout the Empire for water supply.

But, following the tubing, an unusual discovery has also been made: a kind of ceramic vessel or box that crosses the tubing on its long side. Inside, remains of bats, kaikus and animal bones have been found and experts believe it is a kind of “refrigerator” of ancient times.