Rent 338 euros or buy 119,000 euros. This is what a woman between 18 and 44 years old can afford on average to live on her own in the CAPV. In any case, since the housing reserve will not exceed 30 per cent of the income. They are data from the Basque Government, and, as they also acknowledge, the two options are far away in our peoples, and it is not possible in the capitals. At least more than half of the wage has to be spent on housing, twice the economic effort that is considered good.
This is the photograph of desire and impossibility: Seven out of ten women who declared housing need in 2022 lacked sufficient resources to access housing. A fundamental right that had been violated. And not the same, demands have increased by 4.4% compared to 2019, while the number of women who lack sufficient resources. It's 13 percent. Although people living with this disability are men and women, the gap is also evident: women have to make a greater effort and women also predominate among those who do not have opportunities. Therefore, the lists of access to housing through public policies contain more women than men.
Another significant information: 64% of those over 80 are women. Greater need for housing adaptation, less resources. This is the face of the wage gap, both in wages and in pensions, with fewer opportunities in the market-dominated model, worse living conditions and greater need for public policies. And, of course, they are the first to suffer these shortcomings.
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