I saw the photo of Asier Ezeiza in the newspaper. Xaxi. Some photographs assault us like this. I tried to go inside and I can't. Write about what salsa. Who will be resigned to? But you can't stop looking.
It's impossible for Xaxi to grieve, it's hard for indomitable people to generate compassion: there are personalities who don't deserve it, who have fought that compassion, looking at pain. I get rabies and it goes with me. But I don't have heroes to claim. I see no hero. And the compatriot of the photo and I would be biting a few years ago (and he can die of love). But the conflict was not just yours, the conflict was mine, the conflict was at least a whole people. Why he's alone before the judge.
Criminal responsibility is individual. And who calms. Has anyone overcome this? Is there anyone who can sleep peacefully without amputating memory above my age? The consequences of the conflict go alone, in the volume so as not to excessively shake the fragile fibers of the present, unable to associate the party with the smile. And if someone thinks he didn't kill anyone, that he had done nothing to add violence to the existing violence, because he wasn't a member of ETA, because he wasn't a police officer -- I don't think so. If it really looked like things that made us terrible so terrible, measure what it did so it wouldn't be done. He took some trin that he decided to measure. Indeed, who is quite innocent to deserve peace today? Why can I continue as if I were German, and Xaxi didn't.
I've been rage looking at Xaxi's picture. I have a feeling of tremendous failure. Why they're alone. Why do we deny the suffering of the past? Current. What terrible consequences are we dancing about? Number of injuries. Sometimes I do not want to keep celebrating. I'm not German. How it was -- everyone or nobody.