Dangerous discourse
Aingeru Epaltza @AEpaltza 2023ko urriaren 04a

We learned by publishing the results of the last sociolinguistic survey of the Basque Country in Navarra: Since 2011, the Foral Community has strengthened its attitude against the promotion of the use of Euskera and weakened the most favorable. In Basque Country, seeing people is not by chance, I gave myself an explanation: “The sociology of Navarra is changing due to emigration. Those coming from abroad mainly coincide with a large part of the population that has historically lived and educated in the strangeness towards the Basque Country since the 1980s. Our low birth rate does the rest.”

I said it, I said it. What I liked the most was to consider my contribution as a “dangerous discourse.” Another insult: “Dirty racist.”

It is not well known to include the situation of the Basque Country in the same equation and emigration. Not as a variable. Understandable. Adding more stains to what brings a sufficient load is not a civility.

It is obviously pointless to be against emigration. We will continue to come as long as they are rich and poor, whether or not they are against. Whether or not we form a state. Emigration benefits us economically and socially. In return – let us be honest – it makes the regeneration of the Basque country more inclined.

In Navarra, the legislation, the attitude of the central institutions and the message that a large sector of society sends to immigrants, the Basque Country is another obstacle in its new economic and social citizenship

The recent survey published in the CAPV highlights the willingness of immigrants from the area to the Basque country. In the three provinces, education guarantees universal knowledge of the Basque Country. The children of those who come from Bolivia, Morocco or Bulgaria will learn Basque (something); they will not be an obstacle to their parents.

In Navarre, on the contrary, education in Basque and Basque is not guaranteed everywhere. In addition, the residents and neighbors of the entire life of the people see the development of the Basque country as poor. We in the Foral Community have no surveys at the moment. We don't know exactly what immigrants think. On the contrary, we know where their children are enrolled and they are not usually in model D. Because sometimes they're not offered. In others, because they prefer the model without Euskera.

We Euskaltzales sell Euskera as an integration tool. In Navarre, however, Euskera is another obstacle in its new economic and social citizenship in the message that constantly sends them legislation, the attitude of the main institutions and a large sector of society. We should not be so surprised at the growing presence of this approach among the new additions.

The Navarros have come to us without being victors of the rope throw to conquer the Navarros forever. If the balance is not to become even more unbalanced, we will have to think of more than just keeping the balance as usual. The question needs reflection. No hysterism. No apriority. No excessive ideological antieye.