Good life
Diana Franco Eguren 2023ko irailaren 20a

I like how some people think, like Pepe Mújica, former president of Uruguay. The truth is that Mr Mújica has an interview in which he talks about artificial intelligence. Some people may be surprised that someone who hasn't created or used artificial intelligence makes their thoughts about it, but it's not such a complicated exercise, because the people who have created artificial intelligence are human beings.

Well, Mr Mújica believes that with the development of artificial intelligence and other technologies, we will not be useful for exploiting many people, and that leads us to think about the idea of the need for work. Artificial intelligence starts to change the rules. So far, if capital was the most important in the development of peoples, Mújica says that today the intelligence of societies is the decisive variable. This reality brings with it a new division in the world: on the one hand people who do not even serve to be exploited, and on the other hand, owners of knowledge.

Technological changes are changing relationships, nervous tissue and social complexity, demonstrating that human capacities and bodies are less necessary for productive work. The truth is that the societies and economies we live in are based primarily on productive work. Would humans be able to delegate productive work to machines and create new social models that enable a good life between us and the planet? The ways of building societies are as diverse as the ways of building technologies, and the only path will not be. I believe that the societies that put life at the centre of all their diversity will be the only ones that will have the opportunity to create technologies that allow a good life for all.