Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

“eMCumeak” will be a musical satire that reveals the ‘macdonalization’ of Basque creative women.

  • Itxaso Paya Ruiz (Algorta, 1988) is a creative plural. Like Pokémon, life plays and evolves. He has worked theatre, Bertsolarism and television in recent years. “In front of the public I feel at home,” but despite “growing up” in the plaza, it does not hide that it has occasionally felt small. He currently works as an agent and cultural creator, creating the Ze Kultur Ideia Cooperative. eMCumeak we caught up in giving the last scourge to the show.
Argazkia: Pello Maudo Herrero.
Argazkia: Pello Maudo Herrero.

Bertsolaris, actors -- or both? Which well has wet, reinforced or drowned you more from time to time? The
two, sometimes bertsolaris and sometimes actors; we are nuts that we jump from the well to the well, you also know something about it, right Izar? Bertsolarism and theater are very close: improvisations, collective listening, measured words, selection of melodies and records, solo work, memory, putting the body on the stage, need of the receiver... If I had more to do with Bertsolarism, the well that has wet me the most, strengthened and drowned me in the same proportion. However, I love the plaza, and although I often feel laziness or fear, I sit in front of the audience at home; in verse, in actor, in dance, in singing.

Creator or cultural agent? What water is Itxaso currently in?
I've always been a culture maker, and then I've realized that I was also an agent, through creation. Depending on the current and the tide, I spend my time in one water or another, because they are things of the same sea. Cultural creator, for example, lately I've worked mostly in screenplay, theater and music. As agents, in turn, last year we created the Small Cooperative Society Ze Kultur Ideia, in which we developed projects that promote culture, cooperation, equality and Euskera. I'm in a very sweet, very creative and very delicious moment. Anari sings “once you’ve decided to stay where you are.” I'm in that part of the song: where I want, with the people I want and the values I want.

"I've long realized that the wanted plazas I dreamed of didn't exist in reality and we had to start building."

You're a very diverse woman. Does the plaza grow or decrease?
I will not lie to you: in the plaza I feel great. What's more, I've often been recognized to believe in the plaza, and I also recognize it. I have capacity, passion and knowledge. At times, however, there are many obstacles along the way. I could feel small from time to time, but my main tendency is to grow in the square.

Who is Maurizia! Last year, they staged the show. In addition to social recognition, was Maurizia Aldeiturriaga lacking cultural recognition?
You can't recognize what you don't know. Who was Maurizia? If it were a Pokemon, perhaps the children knew it, but unfortunately, if we asked any 14-year-old Basque youth, they would not know who Maurizia was. Lately it is true that the image and name of Maurizia Aldeiturriaga are gaining a lot of strength, but it has not been. Who is Maurizia? We explain who was the stage of the show and why it is part of our culture. Transmission has a fundamental role as a creator and cultural agent, we have to know what our references have been and what the way forward has been.

eMcumeak with singer Maria Rivero will be published shortly. The
eMcumeak show will be Zelako’s first serious production, a musical satire that shows the macdonalization of Basque creators. It will also be directed by Olatz Beobide. Undoubtedly, people who come to enjoy the eMcumeak show will come out with reflection and laughter. The 26th of November will premiere at the Muxikebarri Theatre in Getxo, a date to mark phosphorite on the agenda!

He was also a longtime actor in the Goazen series. Is living from theater fantasy more than reality? What makes the way difficult or easier?
Unfortunately, pure fantasy. I believe that in Euskal Herria there is no one living as an actor, as long as he combines the work of actor with other jobs (teaching, hospitality, production...). And when you're an actor in a people with a minority language and you work in that minority language, the difficulty increases considerably. Participating in the Goazen series was a wonderful experience that I would like to repeat a summer in Basakabi. I've been lucky, and since I finished my theater studies, I've always had some theater project in my hands.

In the fokupa or lighting projects, where do you feel more comfortable? Why?
Clearly in the fokupa. The other day I heard an actor who doesn't fulfill dreams, who works dreams. How long have I been waiting for a place? I do not know, however, too much, for sure. I have long realized that the wanted places I dreamed of did not exist and that we had to start building. So from time to time I get out of the fokupa and reorient the lighthouse to another place, illuminating the projects and looking at the entorno.No I

know about the witch, you have a lot to create. What is the project that you always wedge and have not completed?
Unique? I have an ocean and a half full of Platonic projects. Starring a musical, heading a film, recording a record, producing a series, learning French and Galician, starting a Basque theme park, taking out a boat license... The list is endless. Right now, the eMcumeak show is the last dream project I'm going to form, is it a spell?


More than name (ab), be

“The Paya Ruiztarra family is in itself the one that has allowed us to know concepts such as pleasurable, scene, creation... Our father, Alfredo Ignacio Payá Santamaría, was a sailor who spent more time at sea than at home. On board he offered concerts of Christ and also at home. Our mother, Carmen Ruiz Braceras, studied theatre and won an important award from the Spanish state as an actress. Marine and placenta, Fredi, Xabier and all three of us are the result of a magical couple. The name's brand makes it easier in some cases and in others makes it difficult. I try to add Itxaso to all the good that I can be Paya Ruiztarra.”


Photo: Pello Maudo Herrero. ARGIA CC BY, S.A.



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