When I read Caliban and the witch, I didn't think I would ever find the writer who referred to the resistance of Euskal Herria. But last August I had the opportunity to interview Silvia Federici and personally meet writer and feminist counter-capitalist thinker in Zurich.
The smile is happening in her mouth saying she started her speech in Zurich, looking at the stands full of rain. That's what we asked of the feminist writing of radio what those words meant. “That there are so many people here have nothing to do with Federici, but more and more people realize that we live in an emergency.”
“The precariousness and commercialization of life, killer migration, feminicides, the future is disaster and people are aware of it. Now it's about how to organize it, how to fight to transform it. Not against what is wrong, but for what we want to build.” Unlike many academies, the resistance of the indigenous women of Abya Yala was the example of community struggles. In this capitalist white Europe, the forms of organisation, the individual, identity, self and ego mentioned by the stranger himself in central movements. For me, the resistances experienced as occupied Basque Country.
From witch hunting to the present day patriarchy intends to discipline us by occupying, raping and killing our bodies
He talked about the concept of transformation of my body into territory and the two senses of its meaning, because defending the body is defending the land, the people, and therefore life. We cannot gain the body of our women if we do not gain the land we live in, the territory. That linkage is necessary to live in freedom a safe place, and capitalism is trying to stop it over and over again. Dancing, embracing, exchanging, talking about problems… The body is a link with the struggle, with the earth, with the people.
The control of our women’s bodies* is constant at different times and political contexts. Defined as empty bodies, meaningless, distributing tasks for that body, biologically naturally: home care, motherhood… From witch hunting to the present day patriarchy intends to discipline us by occupying, raping and killing our bodies. Capitalism, for its part, exploits them and devalues conservation tasks.
That is why by organizing occupied bodies and turning resistance into territory, in Euskal Herria we will have the feminist strike as a tool to bring our lives to the center and revolutionize the system on the street, in prisons, at home and in the workplace.