Hysterical materialism
Since then
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea 2023ko irailaren 12a

A year and seven months have passed since 28 February 2022. After the middle of the course, also Christmas, coat, jersey and undershirt, you would have difficulty getting dressed clean, washing frequency, hanging, collecting (not ironing), folding and collecting. Cold? Some line of procedure.

Have you fallen in love since then? Do you live in a smooth routine? Do you have a caressing dog? Someone who caresses you? Have you been caressed in the last year and a half?

Time has been very varied. It's cold, temperate, hot. You complain of cold, tempering, heat. Because it rains, because it doesn't.

You decided you can't spend another summer like this, without knee shorts. Have you thought to “stick, I don’t have knee shorts” on more than two occasions and decided to buy to start next year with shorts?

Some family member may have sickened you, but everything has gone well because you've been right next to you. Things have happened to your kids too, if you have them, and you've decided for your own benefit. Maybe you've gone on vacation together.

You've read some books, maybe some books, or you've started a research project, or you've quit the job, or you've asked and been given the RGI. You've made a friend and you don't know, but it's for life.

All of this has done more (or less). Pablo González did not. Pablo González is taken from life. A white man. And they can't prove it. The course has begun, full of concern and fear, with enthusiasm: Pablo González did not.