Copyright in alcohol
  • Paris, March 1847. One night, the famous local Café des Ambassadeurs played live music, as on other occasions. Attendees included Ernest Bourget, Paul Henrion and Victor Parizot, three musicians struggling to live with their creative work.
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Ambassadeurs: Aristide Bruant, Henri Taoulouse-Lautrec (1882) eta Kafe kontzertua Les Ambassadeurs-en, Edgar Degas (1877). Bi artistek egile eskubideen jatorrian dagoen kafetegi ezaguna margotu zuten.
'Ambassadeurs: Aristide Bruant', Henri Taoulouse-Lautrec (1882) eta 'Kafe kontzertua Les Ambassadeurs-en', Edgar Degas (1877). Bi artistek egile eskubideen jatorrian dagoen kafetegi ezaguna margotu zuten.

Bourget, for example, was 33 years old and still failed to get his career up and writing notebooks for Jacques Offenbach, among others.

The trio realized that some of the pieces that played in the famous café on Gabriel Avenue were created by them. Thanks to their music, they would pay for their work to the performers who were playing live. Local officials were also receiving money because they were attracting the public they consumed through musical performances. However, composers would not receive a single pound.

So that night, if you don't get paid for your work, you decided not to pay for the drinks you've consumed to alleviate the injustice. The owner of the Café des Amassadeurs decided to denounce the composers who left unpaid and the case came to court.

The trial was for the three composers. And they got a lot more drinks than they didn't pay. They opened the debate and started organizing creative music. Four years later, in 1851, the Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique (SACEM), the first association for the collective management of musicians’ copyright, was created. For centuries, composers were only able to give life to their talents thanks to patronage or certain orders, but one night in 1847 they left these drinks unpaid, from then on creative work would have a well-deserved recognition and financial compensation… the limit between recognition of creativity and the prohibition of sharing, the defender of rights and financial speculator, until it began to blur.