Territory and architecture
Ula Iruretagoiena 2023ko irailaren 05a

In the media we have heard over and over again that we have passed the warmest City Hall and among those who have been in the south of Euskal Herria, what heat! The suffocating drought and heat of last year is not repeated this year, our countryside and our forests will enjoy more of the beginning of the course. But the increase in the temperature of the planet, whether or not it is more evident, whether or not it is more serious, is happening. Another debate is what causes global warming and how it affects or adapts to the new climatology.

At the domestic level, the climatic changes are taking place. Recently, in the house reforms we have noticed the concern of many: although in our homes we have never lived the air conditioning or installation of fixed fans, the episodes of asphyxiating and repeated overnight stays, plus the critical predictions, question the tradition of the houses. In the rehabilitation of the houses of Barcelona there are no approaches without air conditioning, there is no question, hot water or the same degree of need as heating. But in our case it is a great novelty. It is said that the sale of air fans is high, a sign of periodicity, but if the need for refrigeration of the house reaches the level of installation, the situation will be a clear symptom of a change. Household facilities are always obsolete over time, either because of technological renewal or because of demands for a higher level of facility safety. The influence of climatology on the architecture of houses has no architectural responses.

Climatology has already left its mark on cities: the creation of climate protection spaces. In some capitals, libraries or cultural centers have been considered as climate protection spaces to house heat guards. Another function that will bring culture to the urban core. In the cities of the Mediterranean, pockets are also being created, such as refreshing green areas. If the state of the houses becomes sustainable, maybe the city protects us in the freshness bunkers.