Loss of Barcelona
David Bou 2023ko abuztuaren 21

The last municipal elections held on 28 May once again left a very narrow result in Barcelona. Until the entry of Ada Colau in 2015, Mayor Xavier Trias convergent, at 76, denies the surveys and wins with almost 150,000 votes and 11 councilors. Undoubtedly, the fact that it became the only alternative to Colau helped him to add votes, especially in the wealthiest areas of the city, in the only ones where participation had not decreased, as in the whole city it had dropped six points compared to those of 2019.

The Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSC) of Jaume Collboni and Barcelona in Comú (BeC) of Ada Colau, the two parties that have ruled the city in coalition over the past four years, have remained second and third respectively by 141 votes. Therefore, the 10 seats of the PSC and the 9 seats of the BeC necessarily needed the support of another group to obtain the absolute majority (21) and to remove the winner. All the pressure was initially put on ERC, which sank up to 5 councillors, losing 85,000 votes and half of its seats in the last legislature.

The ERC has played an important role in Catalan politics in recent years and, surprisingly, could return to second place in the near future. Trapped in the subordinate role of Junts' new right-wing and neoliberal independentism to carry out the procès, he has chosen to change the emancipation policy and agreements, mark the profile to the left and attract PSC and Comúns voters, which seems to question the hegemony he had supposedly achieved. If he wins on the one hand, he loses on the other and vice versa, and people are not in half.

The anger and despair of many agents, institutions and social movements in Barcelona with Barcelona in Comú have been terrible

Aware of this, Ernest Maragall, an ERC candidate for Barcelona at the age of 80, was fired from Comúns. He was robbed of the mayor four years ago – although he won the elections – thanks to the support of Manuel Valls, French Prime Minister who represents the white label of Citizens, after a government agreement with the PSC, and now they asked him to support another "left-wing" agreement with the PSC, regardless of the fact that the PSC promotes the same neoliberal policy of Junts. On the contrary, ERC prioritized the national axis and negotiated with Trias the granting of the mayor and the formation of a unified government. Last minute, Madrid blew everything up.

Jaume Collboni was appointed mayor of individual government, with the votes of Comuns and surprise of the four councillors of the Popular Party. Colau's right hand publicly assured days before his votes did not facilitate this equation, but everything was modified by the Spanish bipartisanship pact and by the postural changes suffered by the former mayor after meeting his councillors a few hours before the investiture session.

The anger and disappointment that many agents, institutions and social movements in the city have felt with the BeC have been enormous. In the last two elections they received many votes from their left, which has greatly affected the CUP, which for the second consecutive term has been left out of town hall. BeC has shown that it gives priority to the continuity of state policy and to being the PSOE's balance rather than building bridges with the sovereign and independentist left. And that, unfortunately, is bad news for many of us, but also for them, to end the Catalunya Verds Initiative (ICV) reduced to the same residual area it had before the M15. And no, they did not say that that was the goal when Guanyem Barcelona was born.