Being cruel
Xabier Etxaniz Erle 2023ko uztailaren 26a

Anker: Gregorio muro harriet
Illustrations: Alex Male
Color: Garluk Aguirre
Harriet, 2023


The Anker comic is located in January 2019. In the Russian regions, near the borders of China and North Korea. It shows the mafias that are flourishing the Siberian forests and the ecologists that are going to investigate, as well as the summer people who work in the forestry and who are betting on their country and their nature. Because there are many issues in this story: the question of the environment, the mafia business, human hatred, the identity of small peoples, and a mystery story, a thriller.

From the early pages of this wonderful comic book, the reader is eager to keep reading. On these first pages we have seen the destruction being done in the forests, as well as the corruption and trafficking of wood being carried out in these businesses and the environmentalists against them. The reader has intriguing elements at his fingertips, he intuits that it will become more complicated as history progresses, and more so when a hunter who is trawling wood inherits a tiger. The tiger will then seek revenge, begin to kill people and become Amba, the black spirit of the forests that, according to the Udegetans, acquires the appearance of angry and vengeful tiger, as it appears in one of the explanatory notes of the book.

As we read and see history, we'll feel more and more stuck in the thriller, as if we were in an action movie, where it has to see the script, but also drawing and color. From different points of view, playing with the size of the places and characters, intercaling others in front of the dominant white color, the viewer advances in history.

Harriet made a script based on real facts, and the truth is that he has managed to catch the reader from the beginning to the end, to discover and denounce some issues; the greatest weakness of forests does not occur in the Amazon, our hungry and insatiable market does not cease… if we do not. In a world apparently dominated by money and the will to power there is little hope, even if it looks like a tiger… Even if it is cruel.