Postural puncture
Iker Barandiaran @IkerBarandiara 2023ko uztailaren 05a
'Zulotik' | Lepora | Bonberenea ekintzak, 2023
'Zulotik' | Lepora | Bonberenea ekintzak, 2023

The birth of the group caught us in the boxes; some could not master the fears, did not perform grounded concerts and, therefore, could not leave the hole new proposals. But, of course, they're going to come out, and if they meet their flight, there's no one left without a circus. In fact, they are firm, rich and playful with the instruments and create environments. No, they're not going to be good for all ears, but I've at least taken a big surprise, a big surprise.

Who are they behind? Old dogs: Txus (Same Old, Libe, Losado, Eh! ), Ibon (Tutan Come On), Gorka (Kashbad, Trumbo) and Txusta (Iont).

And where have they been hidden so far? His first work was published in 2020, but his flight was hindered by a ditxos pandemic, and now they come with a new album, like a chainsaw, with things clear, very hard and delicate complicated but careful. Also engraved with Karlos Osinaga ‘Txapelketa’ and salted by the saxons of the Vodoo Muzak school.

Post-punk and post-hardcore names shine many times, as the groups that grow under these umbrella are so large and widespread: there are more paused, darker, more poperos, more sinister, eroding the metal sidewalk… The vitorian quartet bucea in that immense field that cannot be fenced, but perhaps closer to Touch&Gola.

There is no one with a luxury intro with the intensity sustained at first; then, with very rich rhythmic games, they roll speed and force aggressively. It's almost tachycardia through the hole, breaking the rhythm with the funky-jazz destroyer remembering the Big Black. They'll get even heavier, cooler, surrounded by an industrial environment. Flight of guitars and rockers, but in spite of everything dark and martian, let’s groove that has!Impenetrable combines tribal, almost martial rhythms and psychodelia. And finally, at Kutxata is the last cry and encouragement.