Storytelling inside us
  • From ARGIA we wanted to challenge: How far can you let creativity fly? To what extent can you twist a story and turn it into terrifying, funny, dramatic? Are you able to take advantage of the richness of Euskera, to make room for word games and to live up to the most skilled storytellers?
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2023ko uztailaren 05a

Stories are a treasure trove, a treasure trove is to create, tell, listen, share stories; for their ability to take them to other worlds, for their ability to attract attention and curiosity, for the opportunity they offer to work imagination and language. And we at ARGIA have based ourselves on the world of stories, on the new game we've brought out. It's called OTU, and it's made up of 70 letters with an image. The proposal is to mix letters and invent stories according to the adapted images, shaking the head and tongue.

Depending on age, playmates, desires and skills, the ways to play can be as many as you want. Everyone can create a complete story by respecting the order of the letters or freely organizing the order of the letters that have corresponded to him. If working as a group, the anecdote can be completed alternately among all: for example, each one takes a letter and with it one can give continuity to the history of the previous one, or before one can distribute to each one a certain number of cards and choose the most appropriate one among the images he has in hand when the turn touches him, filiating the story.

With the same images you can build very different stories, and that can also be a challenge: who tells the most terrifying story, the most grotesque, the most emotional…

Let the storytellers inside and above all be a game to enjoy and enjoy.
You can buy the product at the ARGIA Fair: