An exciting time
Xabier Etxaniz Erle 2023ko ekainaren 27a
'Armiarma oso lanpetuta dago' | Tstua eta ilustrazioak: Eric Carle | Itzulpena: Manu Lopez Gaseni | Pamiela 2023
'Armiarma oso lanpetuta dago' | Tstua eta ilustrazioak: Eric Carle | Itzulpena: Manu Lopez Gaseni | Pamiela 2023

Eric Carle is an American writer and illustrator recognized in Basque literature. Because, like a few, there is a work of yours, The very hungry caterpillar, who has had three different editions in Basque: Starch caterpillar (Kalandraka, 2007), Beldar gosetia (Ikas, 2008) and Beldar txiki gosetia (Kokinos, 2012), which will soon have a quarter hands of Pamiela. On the other hand, in 2012 the artist who painted a blue horse (Pamiela), in honor of the modern artist Franz Marc, was published in Basque and, as in many of his works, through collage, with vivid colors and extraordinary combinations, gets the attention of the reader.

On this occasion Carl shows images of animals he has used before, through clear strokes and collage, which explain the story in a repetitive structure.

The story is starring a spider that's spinning a spider web. Some animals will appear to see if they want to turn around, eat some grass, run on the grassland, jump on the rocks, fly on the mud… And the spider never responds, doesn’t listen to them, “was very busy” until the rooster asks “do you want to catch a molested fly?” Because when you asked horses, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, etc., if you wanted to relate to them, there was always a fly to those animals, a fly that has ultimately been trapped in the spider's web.

On the pages of the left there is always a big animal talking (and the fly), while on the right we have a spider making a web; while the image of the left is changed, on the right is the work of the spider, attracting the attention of the viewer the two elements (the development of the animal and the fabric).

The repetitive structure, the attractive illustrations of animals, the evolution of history… and the embossing of the fly and spiderwebs (what you can see with your fingers) make Armiarma a highly recommended and appropriate story to tell young children, to see it with young children, with children, and then they alone, in an emotional moment of enjoyment.