Repair technology
Diana Franco Eguren 2023ko ekainaren 27a

There's a phrase I really like, but I don't know who it is. “Technology will not always solve interhuman problems.” Thanks to science and technology, many people have a better life, it seems to me a hot shower of the great luxuries that technology has given us. Thanks to science and technology, some family members are still alive, I can relate to a distant friend ...

For some, technology is the only and sometimes it exists. But assuming technology is going to solve all the problems of life, I think we're focusing on scenarios that are not beneficial to society. We see it in school, in ways of integrating technology into the classroom. In many centers, instead of sitting in a circle to read a story, they use a big screen, as if the audiovisual was a better resource. The audio-visual has nice drawings, maybe a nice voice, but are we not losing something? The expression of the face of the near and known professor, the movement of the body, the relationship between colleagues, the space for imagination... Possibility to participate.

I see something like automation processes, I don't think it has many benefits for human life to do repetitive work. Human beings make sense of life through the things we do, so if we have repetitive work, we'll look for meaning in something else. Experts say that repetitive tasks will disappear. This, depending on the person's ability to be part of a society, leads to two mild views: the first, we will do less paid work, we will have more time to influence society. Secondly, not everyone will have the opportunity to have a paid job, our life will be in the hands of the model of society in which we live.

Therefore, technology can help find solutions if the society that generates it is strong. And to do that, perhaps, instead of watching the stories on the screen, we should retell the stories sitting in a circle in the classroom.