Age of Duin
Iñaki Murua 2023ko ekainaren 28a

We don't all get to enjoy retirement and it has a hard solution, it doesn't want to end up young and it accumulates so many ages, and so, is it? If so, not only to oneself, but also to Imserso and those seeking business.

Through the perfect understanding of the family situation, the concern to assume the “burden” of age, avoiding the experience, capacity, ignorance and abusive occupations of the relatives… Mauka is what we can know when we reach the elderly.

However, what made me feel the heart's bliss is: “Take a grandfather or a grandmother for adoption.” Announcement of insurance companies hired by many pensioners. It is said that 1% of the benefits will be destined, among other functions, for activities and days with elderly people alone and with lack of heat from others. (Not as the other said, there are too many retirees and that I would organize shakes to get wild boars! ).

What made me feel the heart's bliss is: “Take a grandfather or a grandmother for adoption.” Announcement of insurance companies hired by many pensioners

This is our desire to clarify what we need better than ourselves without putting ourselves in our shoes. They say that when they reach an age they know my needs as nobody else. And with the intention of making our lives unhindered and relieving headaches, as if they were our ancestors, we will take better care of ourselves.

Not so long ago, older people did not know the holidays, nor did they receive retirements, they lived to work! Baserritarras who worked seven days a week, almost twice the body, could not comply with church orders that prohibited working on Sundays, but as cows eat daily, hell with no choice but to live on earth…

Or try to bring all the children donated by God and gather mushrooms in a better posture than cherries, with wrong waist pain, with a grandmother who can’t pass her leg to the height of her leg… who hasn’t known?

From experience you really learn and from books in theory, therefore, our best organized future by ourselves, and that eventual and generous help, hopefully you invest in projects that clarify the future of today's young people, loaded with cheap mortgages. Most young mileurists, fearful of the changes of the Euriborrero and without the security that will endure the Social Security… the future!