Podcasts are very fashionable.
For us it is much more than fashion. In difficult times, I've always thought about how important humor is. I think that women would die without humor because we face a thousand oppression every day. We think that working and transforming from humor is easier and more fun.
I worked with Libertad Daganzo, we formed a beautiful couple, because we both believe that consciousness also laughs. We radio women and women from radical feminism. We are currently investigating the situation of women in prisons and if we do not deal with the issue with a point of humor, it would give us a truly regrettable situation, because it is. But we can laugh at ourselves, not the men of their masculinity.
Among other things, you devour stories infantiles.Hay a lot of work
in this area. Notice, now Sirenatxo comes out again, the mermaid is racialized and people have considered it as “revolutionary” in general, but it remains enlightened. The legend is completely patriarchal and the problem is not that it is white or black. We are now modern and inclusive because it has become a black skin... For a man he continues to lose his voice, his tail and all his kingdom. That is the message, not the other.
We defend the witch Ursula, the only one who faces the mermaid.
But in Romanticism, the witch is always bad...The ursula
is thick, ugly, has purple skin and is crisp. With this image, how are you going to like children? And do you think with the powers you have it is impossible to be thin, nice and white? It is purple, ugly and purple by its own will.
Beauty and the classic beast are also very hard: girls marry an old man or an old man and are told that beauty is inside. Would we imagine if it were the other way around? These are very harsh and crude, dangerous messages. These stories should be shattered and told how they are.
Can podcast be a transformation pathway?
Of course. In the course of the past we have seen everything and a great deal has come to us. People have given us support and told us that they learn a lot with us. There are women who, having heard our work, have been able to name the violence they were unconsciously suffering. Ours is a form of publicity, and we have to spread it, because what has no name does not exist. We want to offer information and transform it from feminism. We have not been able to name many types of violence for too long.
Is it politically correct to be a
“radical feminist”? We're radical feminists, not because we're on one end or the other, but because we go to the center of the trampling. About 50 years ago, the wave of current feminism in the line of sexual freedom emerged, and in that momentum came radical feminism: the abolitionist of prostitution, the abolitionist of gender ... Abolitionist of any trade. I identify with that. Can you not sell or buy the ordinary worker and the woman, yes, in the name of love and sex? What is not allowed in other groups is done with women.
The name Witchcraft Radio is no coincidence, isn't it?The concept of
akelarre looks very dirty in society, and for us the akelarre is the unit of women that allows us to share assembly, our mines, reflections, laughter and knowledge. That was already, but it has been spoiled and with this project we want to clear the word. The witch is not a ugly word, it is a beautiful word and an akelarre as well.
You also have a witch school.
We started with the podcast, but when we see the possibility of going further we have made progress. We recently offer training for women in college to learn about the violence that can happen. We have the opportunity to work with young women of high feminist awareness, and we can say that fortunately in Euskal Herria there is no lack of formats and awareness of the feminist.
Witch with or without broom?
With the broom, no doubt. But the broom is not to clean up the trash, but to fly. We make it possible for our listeners, on the radio, to take the broom because it's a way to support our project.
When I was a child, I had “the behavior of men,” I felt that society was correcting him. He often felt black sheep. But he kept doing what he wanted. Above the house, the friends, the world... “When we feel that the world attacks us daily, we feel very lonely,” he stressed, “until we find feminism, of course.” He likes belonging to the feminist movement. He feels at ease in fraternity and currently lacks the allies he lacked at the time. It's no longer a black sheep.
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