Hacking classrooms of the future
Diana Franco Eguren 2023ko ekainaren 13a

One of my hobbies is visiting the creators' workshops. Many had their place of residence and place of origin interrelated, as the ones I could visit were the oldest creators. Being there, you understand the importance of space and the environment in the creation processes.

Our future will be the future we envision. Today, in many centers we have very rigid structures because they were designed to create labor. However, many hackers teachers have hacked the dynamics of the centers with the values necessary for a good life: coexistence, respect, free movement, body... Children and young people who spend so many hours inside the cement structures to also respect the dimension for a good life.

It is a satisfaction to know that within the Department of Education, more and more importance is given to the space and learning dynamics that students must be present. And to improve what we have, different projects are emerging, including the Future Classroom. The so-called Glab of creativity. It is currently being tested.

Unfortunately, the worldview of the Glab of Creativity is to prepare students for a future in which the screens are hegemonic. Many class dynamics are on-screen. In this future, will the teacher become a mere collaborator of the processes that are processed behind the screen? As in the workshops of the former creators, will the students dirty their hands? Build with plastilin or mold with clay? Will the students be able to touch it or will the whole relationship be given through screens? Will there be space for free creation and experimentation?...

I'm convinced that not everything is going to be so rigid, that the realities of the educational community and the students are going to give a real life to that room of the future, rather than a space for one-time uses, will make it a living laboratory. Maybe installing free software, maybe restoring electronic variables from toys instead of buying kits -- again, turning a rigid structure into a space for a good life.