Territory and architecture
Ula Iruretagoiena 2023ko ekainaren 13a

As a professor of the UPV/EHU, I have often received an invitation to give the conferences. Often for musutruk or low pay. As a professor, they assumed that he had a living and stable wage. Nobody asked me about the working situation. I have not opened my mouth.

There is a specific contract for professional and teaching collaboration at the University. It is renewed annually and every three years it goes to competition. Unstable and without the right to unemployment.

The Spanish State has passed a new University Law (USLO) affecting the universities of the Basque Country. A broad field of influence will be on teacher-professor contracts with the aim of making it stable. But to do so it will reduce working hours and in that proportion wages. One third of the UPV faculty meets at the architecture school. How the law will be applied in our country has not yet been clarified. He'll create doctor assistant contracts for professors, doctors, but surely not for everyone. Restructuring will require a budget line, but the law does not say how the new financing will be achieved.

A state-faculty architects chat has been created. In some schools the situation is very serious due to the high number of teachers and strikes. This change has a concrete reading in the teaching of university architecture: the figure of professionals in favor of the academic is weakened. In medicine it is widely recognized that teaching cannot be offered without professional experience, that is, to transmit the surgeon's background it is necessary to have been in the operating room. But in the face of a wood structure, you don't understand it the same.

The teaching of architecture should bring to the classroom from both, the political-philosophical reflection and the particular knowledge provided by the experience of practice, which can only be acquired in the accumulated experience. The proportion of each is a topic of debate, we are far from it.