A week after the municipal elections, we seem to be willing to analyse the results that have left these new elections, which will mark the institutional policy of the municipalities over the next four years. The most worrying aspect of all possible studies is undoubtedly the increase of the tip of the right in the Catalan countries.
The extreme right of Vox has achieved 395 councillors in towns and cities of Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands. In the Autonomous Community of Catalonia they have gone from 3 councillors to 124, won 114,413 votes over the 2019 elections and won 5.01% of the votes. A priori we can believe that all this is the result of the reaction of the procès and the rise of independence. However, I think it is a misguided and complacent reading.
Vox joins the plenary sessions of the four capitals: three councillors in Tarragona, two in Barcelona and Lleida and one in Girona. In the rest of the 63 Catalan municipalities with over 20,000 inhabitants, forty municipalities have obtained representation, especially in the industrial districts of Llobregat Beherea, Vallès Occidental and Tarragonès.
According to these data, the party of Santiago Abascal was represented in 76 of the 133 municipalities of Catalonia presented. Considering that there are 947 municipalities in the country, the extreme right of Vox will only be in 8% of them, but this figure should not be underestimated considering that these municipalities concentrate 65% of the population.
The extreme right grows thanks to hate speech against neighbours excluded from the elections
Two issues are fundamental to try to understand the results and begin to recover them as soon as possible. The first is that Vox has won most votes in low-income neighborhoods. However, it should not be forgotten that it continues to achieve very good results even in neighborhoods with very high incomes such as Barcelona. And we wonder how much of the votes of the popular classes, a party that leads ladies and gentlemen and defends economic measures against the interests of the popular classes, can be obtained?
Two factors explain this. First of all, the neighbors have had little response from the governments of the last decades to solve the problems of these neighborhoods. That is, Vox has become a vote for many people. Secondly, there has been a great general abstention, especially in these places, which in Catalonia has been 44.44%, nine points more than in 2019, and has facilitated representation in many places.
The second issue is the speech against the Okupas, unaccompanied minors and migratory communities. This has allowed him to hide his proposals against society and gain support by facing the most disadvantaged. In five of the eight Catalan municipalities in which the Ultraderecha has obtained more than 11% of the votes, migrant persons represent between 12.5% and 35% of the population. The conclusion is clear: the extreme right grows thanks to hate speech against neighbours excluded from the elections.
Finally, two facts must be highlighted: 220 councillors and 155,808 votes lost by Citizens compared to the previous municipal elections, ten councillors who have become marginal party and Vox has benefited from this. Finally, and I think the most worrying thing is that your speech is becoming more and more integrated among younger voters. Therefore, given the situation, it is clear that polyhedral strategies are needed to stop the right-end reaction before it is too late.