Obstetric violence
Eva Perez-Pons Andrade @Eva__96 2023ko ekainaren 13a

I've been asked many times if I'm a lesbian in the gynecologist's office. I do not know if this question is asked to anyone who goes to the consultation or if it is made according to the appearance of the patient. At first I took it with illusion, oh, spectacularity! But everything has a price, and before it, care can be different, to the detriment of the health of those of us who are not heterogeneous.

As for the sex of Lesbians, an imaginary that does not fit reality can be in the head of the gynecologist, which can condition our health. For example, when I was 25 years old, I got the letter for cervical cancer testing, I read the letter, I decided I would do it, and I cited myself for the test. When you get to the consultation, ask: are you a lesbian? I said yes. Then, the midwife gave me the opportunity not to take the test because being a lesbian, the probability of cancer is lower. He did not ask me who or how many I lay down, what I did, no protection… identity was the only indicator he had to measure my health, as if diseases were transmitted by identity, not by practice.