Snail life
Itxaro Borda 2023ko ekainaren 07a

It is clear that in future we will not have to give up each of our cars. The Beribil will become a luxury because the product of demand will increase kilowatt prices. Nuclear does not cover all the needs, plants are obsolete and the risks of atom pollution that were reported in the 1970s are there. The situation will force us to review our mobility.

I have a greed that fired me from a “poor poor poor poor, always walking!” because he thinks I don’t have enough money to buy the car as if it was one of those poor buhams. At the moment, it is observed that in collective transport there are people with few economic resources, at least in this part of the border, because it is different in the South. In general, we mourn the individual car.

These are the reflections I have made to the Txik-Txak application launched by the Basque College; without a car we do not own our time, we do not select the tour and the member of the magazine... we go from where we go the sport to the feet, the tablets in the palms and the backpacks, at the same time liquids and turbias, as snail speed nomads...

I want this time to come.