First written kisses
  • We thought the first references to kisses were written by Hindus 3,500 years ago, but a group of Danish researchers announced in Science magazine that 4,500 years ago they received the first explicit references.
Nagore Irazustabarrena Uranga @irazustabarrena 2023ko ekainaren 06a
Argazkia: British Museum
Argazkia: British Museum

It was there that the same writing was invented, in Mesopotamia, about 5,200 years ago, to collect mostly administrative data. Little by little, 700 years later, they expanded their writing to other subjects to talk about kisses. These texts appear both as sexual practices and indicators of affection between family and friends.

But researcher Troels Pank Arbøll has clarified that “we don’t mean they invented kisses there and then. We must look for the origin in prehistory.”