Two monks, two silkworms and two empires
  • China, 4,700 years ago. Princess Si-Ling Chi fell a hot tea silkworm and discovered the silk making process. This legend of Confucius reveals that in China silk production began in ancient times and that for centuries they would keep secret.
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VI. mendean bizantziarrak zeta ekoizten hasi ziren, prozesuaren sekretua mende luzez ezkutuan izan zuten txinatarrei lapurtuta. Argazkia: Boston Museum of Fine Arts
VI. mendean bizantziarrak zeta ekoizten hasi ziren, prozesuaren sekretua mende luzez ezkutuan izan zuten txinatarrei lapurtuta. Argazkia: Boston Museum of Fine Arts

By the middle of the 6th century, Europe was one of the most appreciated silk products, demand continued to grow and the silk market, in addition to enriching producers, provided many benefits to intermediaries operating on the Silk Road. Justinian I, the Byzantine emperor, wanted some of his benefits, so he sent two monks to China in search of the silk secret.

Two Christian monks, sent for industrial espionage after two years of long and painful journey, returned to the empire with the mission accomplished. Two worms were stolen and taken hidden in a reed to court. Other versions indicate that there were more stolen worms that were kept on other objects. The legends managed to steal the legend, the secret and began producing silk in Bizantzio, taking advantage of the great growth of the chamomile in the present Lebanon and Syria; in addition to the silkworms, the moreros are essential for the fabrication of silk fabrics.

Bizantzio and Persia faced between 564 and 642 years. The two adjacent empires were expanding and the shock was inevitable

The Silk Road would be one of the main commercial routes for almost a thousand years before its decline. In addition to fabrics, many other goods were brought from Asia to Europe. But in the middle of the 6th century, when the Byzantine government began to control its own silk production, Chinese silk exports decreased significantly. And with this, the activity and profits of Persian traders also decreased.

Bizantzio and Persia faced between 564 and 642 years. The two adjacent empires were expanding and the clash was inevitable. When Justinian came to power, he took a series of measures to strengthen the economy and, consequently, the army, and the Persian Khosrow I also brought a bonanza to his empire. Three years before the outbreak of war, in 561 they had both signed peace and apparently set and assumed the borders between the empire.

Many were the factors that influenced this conflict, but, among others, those small worms stolen by two nuns and that great secret gave some and others the means to defeat the war between the two empires.