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To sew black skins

Solasaldi musikatua | Non-Noiz: Baltsan elkartean (Ziburu), maiatzaren 3an / Argazkia: Amets Aranguren
Solasaldi musikatua | Non-Noiz: Baltsan elkartean (Ziburu), maiatzaren 3an / Argazkia: Amets Aranguren

The breakdown of the transmission of our culture or the culture of the transmission of our rupture. Three coarse words to put them in the order you want. Taking into account that each "we" who reads his phrase will make different meanings of "culture", "transmission" and "pause".

What do you want to convey? What is the transmission guarantee? What about the court?

I do not know if the transmission proposes a one-way route in itself, but I do know that the reading of its discontinuity is done in one direction. It has been heard that recently among young people there is great concern about the lack of "traditional" cultural references of the Basques (this was "us", yes), which today's young people do not know the identity of Mikel Laboa. Who knows who Kai Nakai is, a Lordship over 50 years (generous) who doesn't move in the music world? (except for PNV for obvious reasons). Who knows who Orbel is? Who knows who MICE is? Or, more than who knows who they are, what is the concern about their ignorance?

I heard Anari in an interview: the transmission doesn't stop or not in the terms we're painting. Transmission interruption should not be because transmission interruption should not be ignorance of Mikel Laboa's face. The desire to create in Basque will lead young generations to know the references they must know. We cannot do everything we do with the objective of the survival of a black and white photo, at the other time Oteiza gets very angry (more) and we do not want either.

Many times I try to get out of the role of the musician. Moving from the smallest bubble to the smallest bubble. How important is this bubble inside our bubble? I do not understand that the day before in Txiolandia (and here transversally the proposal for a coffee) responds to the phrase "If dance is compulsory, it is not my revolution" by Juan Luis Zabala that Oier Araolaza says for him "If it is compulsory to make Basque, it is not my revolution". Yes, culture has the capacity for community strengthening, if not a function. But well, Indar Gorria as well.

Why and how to move from demands to suggestions or from "us" to "me". If literature's main task is to build a people. Who enters the collective intent of Aitzol, Aresti, Duhalde, De Felipe and Tapia...

Some questions got me tired of home, but a couple of musicians and writers put me in the backpack last Wednesday at the Baltsan Society of Ziburu. If possible, follow Gotzon Barandiaran and Rafa Rueda for more questions.

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