The day wakes up east. The station, on the contrary, starts this year in the west, as the Loraldia was born in Bilbao before the month of March reaches its half. Early spring of flowers and fruits. Strong Basque culture in the Basque capital from 9 to 31 March, 150 creators in 14 scenarios.
The cherry trees at the Martzana Pier flourished this year with the highest of all times, and that is a positive sign that I took and then decided to travel all over the Basque Country. On a rapid leap through the West, the corners were hooked up in Barkox, where Xibero's mask took place on the same day as Aberri Eguna. Not far away, the Xiru festival of Gotaine-Irabarne, as every year at this time, and with experimental complements such as the stable pastoral Elkano nano.
It was not pastoral, but it was an emotional drama that Gernika’s neighbours represented in the Plaza de los Fueros to celebrate the anniversary of the bombing. After the multitudinous demonstration of candles, the final predic, all in Basque, and an interesting update to finish; for the first time, that I know, in that way and with all solemnity, all the participants sang the tree of Gernika, thus affirming the proposal to make it the hymn of Euskal Herria, except in Gernika.
Back in Bilbao, on April 22 he brought us a double invitation to reflect: on the one hand, because we met in the activity of Education and Language to share the explanations of experts in these matters, from the hand of the ELA union. On the other hand, because in the pages of the newspaper Berria appeared the proposal on linguistic territoriality, elaborated by the Nation-elkartea association.
Absolute feeling of living in Basque and Basque. Mid-spring, and proof that we have a full summer
The first, the days, offered us truly enriching contributions that should be known, when this educational and linguistic relationship, both in our own country and in Catalonia, is at the center of the social debate. See Zubizarreta from Gizalan-ELA, Izaskun Rekalde from Euskaraz, the sociologist Iñaki Iurrebaso, the Catalan linguist and philosopher Jordi Martí Monllau and the linguistics professor Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera, all in Basque or Catalan, offered clear keys. Where does Euskera win and lose? If we are at the crossroads in the cases of Euskera and Catalan, why will we approach death and which to full life? Why are the Basques weak in knowledge and use, but firmly in motivation and in Euskaltzale?
The same day the Proposal on linguistic territoriality, elaborated by the Nation, was known, is the detailed practical guide for starting this crossroads for the benefit. Following the studies of scientific sociolinguistics, ensure spaces in which they live only in Basque, beginning with the areas in which we are already the majority of Vasco-speakers. Develop the territoriality of the Basque Country taking into account the collective linguistic rights. A long-term proposal that is already taking on favourable opinions.
Last April, in Baigorri, Navarra Day. Absolute feeling of living in Basque and Basque. Mid-spring, and prove that we have a full summer. Among the exciting emotions of one day, he meets with the whole family displaced from Barakaldo, a couple of aitita-amamas, his two daughters and the two sons of one of them, half asleep, because of an unusual night on the campsite.
Atzar hadi, Euskaldun.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora
ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
The road goes by steps, and I learned a little while ago that it seems to have already begun. But people also want to learn to fill that sentence with content. Alone we could achieve little, maybe even resignation as soon as we started. Gathering huge crowds can also complicate... [+]
Ez zuen egoki jokatu, neurriak hartu behar ziren, bestela, ez dugu ikasten. Itxuraz, ez zen ohartzen egindakoaren inpaktuaz, normal jarraitzen zuen, batzuetan, ingurukoek baino itxura zoriontsuagoz. Gainera, altuegi hitz egiten du, hori ez zaio inori gustatzen. Darabiltzan... [+]
The Department of Education doesn't understand why public employees have gone on strike. He's got to ask the LAB Syndicate. This union signed an agreement with the department in April 2023. Two years later they have also called for a strike because, unlike the previous ones, the... [+]
Erretiratu berri den lankide-ohi baten omenez, Historiako irakaslea. Bejondeizula!
Hezkuntza-legeek azpimarratzen dute zein garrantzitsua den ikasleengan pentsamendu kritikoa sustatzea. Baina irakasle-klaustroak, garai batean ideien eztabaidarako eta proposamenak... [+]
The liberal democracy of the Western countries has a growing appearance of a minimalist democracy. At the heart of the definition would be respect for changes in government through elections. The authoritarian variant of this was called competitive authoritarianism by political... [+]
This wedge that the announcement on the radio Euskadi to replace the bathtub with a shower encourages the commencement of the works in the bathroom of the house. A simple work, a small investiture and a great change are announced. There has been a shift in toilet trends and a... [+]
Zutabe hau idazten nengoela, gaia aldatu behar izan dut, nire arreta osoa harrapatu dutelako Trumpen muga-zergek. Azalpen gutxi beharko duzue, leku guztietan da berria, Txinako produktuei %10eko zerga eta Kanadako eta Mexikoko produktuei %25eko muga-zergak jarri dizkie. Trumpek... [+]
The year 2025 will lead to a general policy of establishing shorter working weeks, bringing low costs for new hires for companies and an effective direction of change in labour relations.
With the aim of complying with the Spanish government agreement, the reform to shorten the... [+]
I received your e-mail in personal mail on the strike portals. At first, like many others, I thought it was to let you know what options we have in the face of the strike. But no, the e-mail received was a political and communicative movement against the strike.
I will confess... [+]
This weekend I've been thinking about the word 'aesthetic' in relation to a phrase said by a friend: “This work is aesthetic.” I have studied the etymology of the word aesthetic, it seems that its meaning was originally perceived through the senses, and it was later associated... [+]
The other day in Bilbao, I met a friend at the Bira bar. We were very happy at the Tar and I said: “Of course, since you’re Guipúzcoa, hahahaha.” And he insisted that he was not Guipuzcoan. Without me understanding it, I kept saying, “Ah! Is it not? You were born in New... [+]
Zalantza asko izan ditut, meloia ireki ala ez. Ausartuko naiz, zer demontre! Aspaldian buruan dudan gogoeta jarri nahi dut mahai gainean: ez da justua erditu den emakumearen eta beste gurasoaren baimen-iraupena bera izatea. Hobeto esanda, baimen-denbora bera izanda ere, ez... [+]
We are in the midst of a world imperialist offensive led by the Western bourgeoisie. The form that the imperialist offensive has taken is that of war, with all its variants: economic war, cognitive and cultural war, lawfarr; and, of course, military war. Western imperialism has... [+]