Speculative margin
Diana Franco Eguren 2023ko maiatzaren 03a

The word speculation is totally related to capitalism in my imagination. When I hear that word, when I think about people who speculate with the bag, with the cryptototxanpon, and so on, I have to confess that I'm intermingled with the casings. To speculate well with “money” you have to be a well-informed person, know the fluctuations of goods and services of economic value in human societies and move the money there to seek the benefit.

But many times, seeing that behavior, I realize that I am also somehow speculative. I mean, I'm also thinking all the time about technologies. I can't imagine things from scratch, speculating on different scenarios using existing information. So somehow, I've had to start weaving new relationships with that word.

The desire to speculate awakens me from many places. Once on the bus, a Tecnalia researcher on the radio (I don't remember my name) said on the radio: "Artificial intelligences like ChatGPT have the ability to learn from zero languages with structure, with minimal input data, even if it's an invented language." My imagination woke up, and I automatically began to speculate. What if artificial intelligences had the ability to understand the language of animals? What kind of dialogue would we have with animals? Would we be willing to listen to what they have to say? How would this change the structuring of our world?...

I understand that animal language has a lot to do with bodies and behaviors, but speculating, if animals understand each other, why wouldn't an artificial intelligence that's been trained to do so understand them? Artificial intelligence collecting data from different relationships with different sensors? Taking a space for speculation also carries those results, and lately I've started to feel more comfortable with this word.