Who is responsible for psychological suffering?
Ane Ablanedo Larrion 2023ko maiatzaren 02a

We are now talking more about mental health, psychological well-being and its impact on our quality of life. It is a source of joy, because it helps to get the subject out of the closet, because by showing that the pain we all have (and not a few) the discomfort normalizes and helps to reduce the stigma around mental disorders.

The starting point is good: to recognize that no one is entirely good, that we all struggle to live, that our relationships with others and with ourselves are not as healthy as they could be. We're afraid of loneliness because we're not good friends with ourselves, but also to love, or to be loved. In blind pursuit, even in struggle, the meaning of life depends on how to fill the inner void.

It is good to see all this, as it will have to start from the recognition of the existence of discomfort. But what do you do about this? Asking more people for free psychological care is OK, or even claiming that going to the psychologist is not synonymous with illness. But is it natural that people live so impossible?

Two major disciplines help to understand the issue of psychological suffering. From psychology, of course. But also from politics, because we are social beings, and because the quality of the society in which we live greatly influences our life (through the living conditions that it places us) and our psychological configuration (through its values and the pretensions that it sows in us).

Progressive psychology and policies should require measures to accompany children in their early years

In this northwest of the world, we live in a political system in which the well-being of people is not an axis and an end, far from the values that life demands, in social settings organized according to other interests, where it is obviously difficult to live well or be well. First and foremost, for people who live in precariousness or exploitation. But apart from that, I also think we should redefine what good living conditions are, review what we bring value, what we call success. We're trapped in full productivity, without time at all, and we measure the size of well-being in terms of material.

Denouncing these conditions should be the first measure to combat malaise, and that is the first thing that an honest psychology should do, it should be political to remove from the individual sphere the responsibility of people's discomfort and expel from the system. Along with the demand for structural political changes, it should focus on early childhood, so important in the psychological configuration of these people, addressing mental health preventively.

Because capitalism must be denounced, all right, and associated consumerism, or, of course, permanent dissatisfaction. But you can't understand the success of this system in us, if you don't look at the dependency that we're living in early childhood, and when this doesn't take proper care of, the emotional void that comes to us inside forever. Progressive psychology and policies should require measures to accompany children in their early years.

In these years we have developed emotional strength (or weakness), in which we must focus if we believe in the politics and psychology that aim to make people older, more satisfied, freer and, why not, happier.